Local MP Mary Macleod is pleased to announce further progress is being made to find a site for a new school in the Borough, following confirmation from the Mayor’s office.
In August last year, Mary contacted the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to alert him of the need of a new local school, suggesting the Commerce Road bus depot as a potential site. Since then, possible locations to relocate the bus depot have been explored by Transport for London and ISIS, the land owner, and Mary has just been informed that a potential site on Capital Interchange Way has been identified. The bus operator is in negotiations with the current land and both the local Council and Tfl are hopeful an agreement can be reached imminently.
Mary said:
“I am very pleased to receive the news from the Mayor’s office that a potential site has been found and negotiations underway to re-house the bus depot. This means that we are one step closer to achieving a new school that is essential for Hounslow. We are the fourth fastest growing Borough in London and with the population expanding at a higher rate than expected; educating the next generation is a key priority.”
Earlier this month, Mary took the Communities Secretary, Rt Hon. Eric Pickles MP, on a tour organised with ISIS Waterside Regeneration around Brentford to see regeneration sites and the possible location of the new school. She will continue working with the Mayor of London and the council as the process moves forward.