Pupils and staff from Chatsworth Primary school took time out from their lessons yesterday to tell the Aviation Minister, Robert Goodwill MP, local MP Mary Macleod and the Chief Executive and Councillors from Hounslow Council about the impact of planes overhead.
The visitors heard how teachers and pupils have to stop talking when the planes are directly overhead, which makes it hard for pupils to concentrate during lessons. Outside learning is a key element of the syllabus at Chatsworth Primary and this is particularly badly affected.
Even in the newest parts of the school that have improved insulation, there is a still an issue because the classrooms get very hot and the ventilation systems do not always work effectively. One girl commented that the noise from the planes makes it very difficult for her to get a good night’s sleep and she often feels very drowsy in lessons.
Mary commented:
“I’m glad that the Aviation Minister took the time to come and visit schools in the Hounslow borough. It is important for him to hear first-hand from the pupils and teachers about how the noise from Heathrow affects them.”
“I want all children across the country to have the same quality of learning in the classroom and there is no doubt that being near Heathrow has a negative impact. I think Heathrow could do more to improve the situation at our local schools and be more supportive in finding the right insulation and ventilation approach for each school. Listening to the children and teachers today, I find it very difficult to believe that we are even considering sending more planes over the heads of these young people.”